Sustainability and social responsibility experiences
You may complete part or all of the 60-hour minimum required for graduation through university volunteering and/or the social service promoted by the Office of Sustainability, or through institutional service activities promoted by our other areas.
Voluntariado Universitario
The university volunteering option gives you the possibility of validating your participation in the following experiences:
1) Your own initiative in benefit of vulnerable groups. To validate this experience, you must submit a report, using form F284, and attach supporting information such as photos, a link for the initiative, a thank-you letter from the beneficiary population, etc.
2) Independent participation as a volunteer in a social or environmental initiative promoted by an established public or private institution.
To validate this experience, you must submit the following documents:
- A certificate of volunteering issued by the institution that states the hours worked, the activity in which you participated and the date (day, month, and year) when you participated.
- Report using form F284.
3) Participation as a volunteer in a social or environmental initiative promoted by the Office of Sustainability through INFOSIL – ROGAB.
To validate this experience, you must follow the instructions given in the announcement published in INFOSIL-ROGAB:
- Send certificate of volunteering issued by the institution to sostenibilidad@usil.edu.pe. It must state the hours worked, the activity in which you participated and the date (day, month, and year) when you participated.
- Complete the survey that we will send you.
- The hours shown on the certificate of volunteering received from you will be validated in 3 to 5 workdays.
Social service
This option refers to student participation in experiences related to their academic education.
1) Formation of non-profit organizations:
Experience that places value on the contribution to sustainable development of non-profit organizations formed by students and graduates.
2) Accredited courses:
Experience that places value on the execution/implementation of a sustainability and social responsibility project as a central part of the design of a course that helps fulfill a social or environmental need of the community at large or of vulnerable beneficiaries.
3) Implementation of socially oriented companies or companies of collective benefit and interest:
Experience that places value on the active participation or leadership of members of the university community in the implementation of companies with a social and environmental impact or companies of collective benefit and interest (Spanish acronym: BIC). Implementation is understood to mean that the company is a going concern with tangible results in benefit of the owners and society. The student must be the owner or a partner in the company.
4) Research on relevant problems:
Experience that delves into understanding a social or environmental problem. In addition, it focuses on putting methodologies or tools that help achieve the triple impact into practice.
5) Living Labs:
Experiences that implement sub-spaces or use spaces on the campuses or in the areas of influence of the university to carry out activities that have a positive social and/or environmental impact. This requires the respective authorization of the university or community, as applicable.
6) Participation in student clubs:
Experience that places value on participation in the organization of activities of student clubs that are related to the Sustainable Development Goals. Membership alone does not qualify.
7) Internships in favor of vulnerable populations:
Experience that places value on direct action in internships that contributes to the quality of life of vulnerable populations.
To validate any of these experiences, write to sostenibilidad@usil.edu.pe to receive instructions according to the case.
Request forms by sending a message to: sostenibilidad@usil.edu.pe
- F-284 “Report for accreditable hours of volunteering and social service experiences”.
- F-285 “Accredited courses as social service experiences”.
- F-286 “Liability Waiver” Authorization by the student and his/her parent or guardian to participate in a sustainability and social responsibility experience at his/her own risk if he/she does not have accident insurance.
Where can I find activities in my INFOSIL?
- If you are a student with a code up to 2011, watch the video here.
- If you are a student with a code from 2012 or after, watch the video here.
Frequently asked questions
How can I validate volunteer work that I did for an NGO or some other organization?
Validate your volunteering hours by sending your certificate of volunteering to sostenibilidad@usil.edu.pe Remember that the certificate must state the hours in which you participated as a volunteer (a minimum of 10 hours can be validated), the period during which you participated (day, month, year), the name of the program, and the area where it took place.
Can I validate my volunteering if I did it years ago?
You can validate your volunteering, provided that the year the certificate was issued is not prior to the year you entered the university.
Is there a limit on the number of hours you can work?
There is no limit on the number of hours you can work or validate, but keep in mind that to meet the requirement, you must complete a minimum of 60 hours.
Do I validate all activities associated with graduation requirements with Sustainability?
No, each area is independent, so each area validates the activity it announced. In the announcement, you will always find contact information for the person who will help you validate your activity, so we recommend that you save that information.