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Nuestros Pilares USIL

Our USIL Pillars

Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola has four institutional pillars that are part of a philosophical paradigm, a lifestyle that seeks to foster the development of entrepreneurs capable of achieving their personal progress within a broader framework .

Pilar Emprendimiento de la USIL



We cultivate an entrepreneurial culture built on a solid ethical and moral foundation that promotes innovation, leadership, competitiveness and value creation. This will enable students to identify and make the most of business opportunities.


Learn more about Entrepreneurship
Pilar Sostenibilidad de la USIL



We are committed to the sustainable development of Peru and the world through the implementation of a comprehensive management model geared toward achieving optimum social, environmental, and economic impacts.


Learn more about Sustainability
Pilar Investigación de la USIL



We are committed to inclusive and sustainable national development through education that prioritizes research and technological innovation in the different fields of knowledge and their transfer to society.


Learn more about Research
Pilar Globalización de la USIL



Our global perspective enables our students to flourish anywhere in the world. Being a bilingual institution allows us to offer an education with the highest international standards.


Learn more about Globalization