Volunteer fair
- To inspire and promote participation and solidarity through volunteering —in our university community and among the general public— we have held volunteer fairs since 2012.
- At the fair, you will learn about organizations that work toward sustainable development and serve vulnerable populations, which you can join as a volunteer, according to your skills and interests.
- We hold in-person and virtual editions that draw around 2 thousand attendees.

Summer 2021 Virtual Workshops – USIL Students at Mundo Libre
During the summer of 2021, the USIL Physical Education and Sports Science program, the college of Education, and the Music program held sports, music, and creative writing workshops for children and teens from Instituto Mundo Libre, in line with their commitment to promoting healthy habits through sports and creativity expressed in music and writing. The workshops were held virtually and received an enthusiastic response from USIL students and the children at Mundo Libre.

Virtual Nutrition Workshops – USIL Students at Nietos Itinerantes
For the purpose of fostering healthy habits and lifestyles among seniors, during May and June 2021, the Nutrition and Dietetics program held four virtual sessions in coordination with Nietos Itinerantes (a non-profit that promotes appreciation of senior citizens).
The sessions were led by students from the Internship in the Community course and faculty members from the Nutrition and Dietetics program, as part of their university extension work, in line with the Sustainability pillar.

Adopt a Grandparent
We joined the Lima Beneficencia (welfare agency) to start the “Adopt a grandparent” project in benefit of the residents of the Canevaro retirement home and older adults without means of support, who were able to go to the home thanks to community awareness actions and the remodeling of different areas.

San Juan de Lurigancho Campaign
Thanks to the support and spirit of solidarity of the administrative staff, faculty, and students of our USIL Education Corporation, we delivered donations to the areas affected by the break in the sewer system in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho.

“Together for VES” Solidarity Campaign
We carried out the "Let’s donate blood and save lives!" campaign, encouraging employees and students to donate blood for the tens of people affected. In addition, through another solidarity campaign, we were able to collect 289 essential items, including clothing, food, cooking utensils, toiletries, and water.

Volunteering Requirement and Institutional Hours
Learn more about graduation requirements for a bachelor’s degree.

Corporate Volunteering
Learn about the volunteering experiences of our administrative staff and faculty.